Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama Finds Cancer Cure; Republicans Outraged

(so right. and yet so wrong.)

The AP reported early this morning that President Barack Obama has accidentally stumbled upon the cure for cancer. Republicans immediately responded with anger.

"Who does he think he is?" yelled Rush Limbaugh. "What about all the researchers who DESERVE to find the cure? They've been working for years and years, and Barack HUSSEIN Obama has the audacity to tell us HE has all the answers?"

"This is truly a meaningless accomplishment," said Michael Steele. "Send us a check for $50, $100, or $200 and we will work to support your freedom to die from cancer without the interference of Democrats and their leftist international allies."

John Boehner was in a tanning booth and unavailable for comment.

Sarah Palin posted a note on Facebook:

"This is a very confusing development upon which my ghost writer will have ample commentary in the days to come. Meanwhile, advance copies of my book are available on Amazon for only $19.95 which includes a free poster of me and Levi fly-fishing if ya know what I mean, wink wink. Watch for my second volume, upon which I am currently working upon, entitled 'Words of Widsom From The Republican Party.' It should be available by Christmas. In fact, it will fit nicely into a stocking. A very small stocking. Or a Christmas card, even. Also thus."



  1. Clever post Lesley...
    And you know what, that probably isn't too far off the truth if that were to happen.
    These people know NO shame!

    Good to see you back on the blogger scene and hope you had a great vacation. LOL

  2. Jim: Thanks! It's good to be back. My 'normal' blog has a few vacation pictures if you'd like to see Carmel and San Francisco. Beautiful places to visit!!

  3. I have no idea how I found my way here - am blog hopping, but I LOVE this post! Scarily enough I am afraid it could be spot on were it to actually happen. Ahhh, the very bitter right...

  4. Hi Merrily: Welcome! Hop back again some time. There's always plenty to rant about in my little world.
